Magnet Shape

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The example of magnetic jewelry in medical care:

The antihypertensive effect of cervical disease people magnetic necklace,hypertension symptoms of the head of the habitat highest body, due to cervical vascular compression deformation caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain, support (driver, computer and desktop workers), the formation of occupation disease. Often worn on the neck acupoints, get the effect of magnetic field, instead of acupuncture and massage.

The magnetic field excited by dredge main and collateral channels.Adjustment of yin and yang. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that alldiseases are caused by the imbalance of yin and yang. Magnetic field canguide the Qi and blood, relieve spasm, activity of joints, tendon extensionbonesetting, relieve the oppression stimulation, correction of cerebral ischemia and anoxia.

At the same time can stimulate the cervical artery, cervical artery prominent,causes its pressure, feel the excitement, sends impulses, afferent nerveand then spread to the medulla oblongata, cardiovascular center,repeatedly make the heart slows, weakened, reduced cardiac output,vasodilation, peripheral resistance becomes low, so that the pressure drop(depressor reflex).

Treatment of neurasthenia, insomnia, magnetic jewelry, migraine

Neurasthenia, insomnia, migraine is a common disease of modern people,because mood stimulation of adverse factors, lead to nervous tension,caused by peripheral nerve spasm.

Often wearing magnetic jewelry, can make the main and collateral channelsto the brain blood circulation is smooth, the brain nutrition improvement, so as to improve the brain cells, alleviate nervous, thereby regulating the entire nervous system.

Magnetic jewelry, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasisSanjie pain relieving effect

Magnetic jewelry because can improve the local vascular and promote tissue metabolism, accelerate the disappearance of inflammation, activity ofjoints, alleviate the pathological, dredge veins Tao, Qi and blood andactivating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis, Sanjie pain relieving.

The role of health care magnetic earrings.

Ear is the function of the kidney, often wearing magnetic earrings can improve the renal function.

Magnetic effects on human blood lipid lipid refers to fatty substances in the blood, blood lipid level refers to the number of blood fat, blood lipidsincluding blood cholesterol, glycerin three greases, high density lipoprotein,low density lipoprotein.

Through the clinical observation showed that: the magnetic field has the effect of decreasing the blood lipid, lipid mechanism to reduce magnetic field, that under the action of magnetic field, long chain and branched chaincholesterol into short chain, become multi crystal center, is conducive to thedecomposition and metabolism or by the influence of magnetic field on enzyme, affecting the synthesis of fat.

Effect of magnetic field on immune function

Is it right? Normal immune function, is closely related with people's health,immunocompromised individuals, with low resistance, easy illness, effect of magnetic field on immune function, domestic and foreign experts from different angles and different methods of research and observation, the result is showed that the experimental study and clinical observation onmost, magnetic field can improve the immunity of the body.

The magnetic field has a cholesterol lowering effect.

Magnetic field has hypolipidemic effect has been confirmed by manyexperiments and clinical observation. The cholesterol in the blood lipid is closely related to human health, hypercholesterolemia, often causehardening of the arteries, the harm to human health.

Role of human application of magnetic hyperlipemia rabbits induced by high cholesterol diet fed in, found the role of lowering high blood fat. Throughmorphological observation, also found that after the action of magnetic fieldin rabbit aortic lipid deposition reduction.

Magnetic therapy can improve people's sleep.

Magnetotherapy anti-aging effect

Many factors affect the human aging, in addition to the social, economic,environmental, human body metabolism process, at present, the world recognized that aging is due to free radicals caused by too much.Clearance can reduce free radicals, can delay the aging of human. It has been found that some of the drugs and health care products with the effect of magnetic therapy also has the same effect.

Magnetic therapy through the following ways to delay senility:

Firstly, the content of free radicals in the blood decreased.

Secondly, make the cell antioxidant ability enhancement.

The protection of cell membrane integrity.

Fourthly, enhance the cell membrane fluidity.

In short, the magnetic field effect is good for health.

Magnetic jewelry health indications:

Circulatory system: hypertension, coronary heart disease, high blood lipid

Digestive system: the stomach, dyspepsia, constipation, gallstones

Nervous system: facial paralysis, neurasthenia, sciatica, nerve

Migraine, insomnia

Motor system: cervical spondylosis, low back pain, scapulohumeral periarthritis

Respiratory system: asthma, bronchitis and so on

Disease of Department of gynaecology: dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, women menopause syndrome

Urinary and reproductive system: prostatitis, impotence and premature ejaculation and chronic nephritis.

ENT diseases: diseases of the eye, deafness, tinnitus, rhinitis etc.

In addition, attention should be paid to wearing magnetic jewelry:

The pregnant women with caution, or use under the guidance of a doctor;

The device with caution in patients with cardiac qibo;

The hemophilia or thrombocytopenia etc. hemorrhage with caution;

Finally, the permanent magnet jewelry allergies with caution;

Not with the card, mechanical watches and other goodsfrom the too close, lest affect.